Chemical Properties Handbook, Physical, Thermodynamic, EnvironmentalTransport, Safety and Health Related Properties for Organic and InorganicChemicals--------------------------------------------------This work offers necessary data that's often hard to find or difficultto calculate, all in one place, in easy-access format. That's whatthis Handbook provides to scientific, engineering, and environmentalprofessionals, and students, who seek information on how chemicalswill behave at different temperatures and under different conditions.Covering both organic and inorganic substances, and providing bothexperimental values and estimated values based on methods developedby the author and other noted experts, this book can save countlesshours of searching for the right source or performing complicated calculations.Useful for hundreds of on-the-job information requirements, this much-neededHandbook makes it easy to obtain critical values for temperature andpressure for design or operation of compressors and turbines, findheat capacity data for heat exchangers, accurately design and safelyoperate vaporizers and condensers with precise information on enthalpyof vaporization, size vaporizer/condenser storage vessels with densitydata, determine the heating and cooling requirements of reactors withvalues for the enthalpy of formation, determine chemical equilibriafor reactions using Gibbs' energy of formation, design and operateeffective stripping operations for water pollutant removal using watersolubility data and Henry's Law Constant, and, find needed adsorptioncapacities of activated carbon for cleaning air of various pollutants,use soil sorption coefficient for agricultural applications. It alsohelps: solve problems for fluid flow of gases and liquids using viscositydata, use thermal conductivity data for heat transfer applications,use lower and upper explosion limits in air, flock point and autoignitiontemperature for safety in designs and operations, use threshold limitvalue (ACGIH), permissible exposure limit (OSHA) and recommended exposurelimit (NIOSH) to design facilities while safeguarding health, use thermalexpansion coefficient data to design relief systems, and find thousandsof other time-saving uses.--------------------------------------------------Author Biography: Carl Yaws, Ph.D., is a professor of chemical engineeringat Lamar University. He has extensive industrial experience in processevaluation research, development, and design at laboratory, pilot plant,and production levels. He has worked for Exxon, Ethyl, and Texas Instruments.The author of 24 books, he holds several patents and has publishedmore than 320 technical articles in process engineering, property dataand pollution prevention.