Asterix and The Secret Weapon

Book 29

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Asterix and The Secret Weapon

Book 29

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Printed Book
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Author: Albert Uderzo
Date of Publication: 2002
Book classification: Children Books,
No. of pages: 48 Pages
Format: Paperback

About this Product

Asterix and the Secret Weapon--------------------------------------------------A woman bard is unheard-of in Ancient Gaul - but when the mothers inAsterix and Obelix's little village decide that besides being a terriblemusician Cacofonix, the local bard and school-teacher, is not educatingtheir children properly, it's Bravura they call in. The men of thevillage are horrified at first, but Bravura proves a useful ally incountering Julius Caesar's secret weapon - the Roman leader has sentin a troop of female legionaries, relying on the chivalrous Gauls notto fight women. But Bravura has no such scruples, and together withAsterix thinks up a good idea. Even Cacofonix's music comes into itsown ...--------------------------------------------------Author Biography: Rene Goscinny was born in Paris in 1926, and spentmost of his childhood in Argentina, before eventually moving to Parisin 1951. He died in 1977. Albert Uderzo was born in 1927 in a smallvillage in Marne, France. He met Rene Goscinny in 1951 and on 29 October1959 their most famous creation, Asterix, made his first appearanceon page 20 of Pilote. Asterix the Gaul, their first album, was publishedin 1961 and there have now been 33 Asterix albums. Rene Goscinny wasborn in Paris in 1926, and spent most of his childhood in Argentina,before eventually moving to Paris in 1951. He died in 1977.
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SKU 229114
Manufacturer Number 9780752847771
series name Asterix
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