مكتبة جرير

Lebenslauf: The path of a life

Lebenslauf: The path of a life

كتاب مطبوع
وحدة البيع: EACH
المؤلف: Schreier, Otto
تاريخ النشر: 2016
تصنيف الكتاب:
عدد الصفحات: 78 Pages
الصيغة: غلاف ورقي

    عن المنتج

    This is the story of the life of the master machinist Otto Schreier, born in Eberswalde, Germany on August 28,1842. He lived until July 4,1926 and died in Nuanhof, which is near Leipzig, Germany. The original pages were in his own handwriting; he called the document, ""Mein Lebensweg"" (The path of my life). He began writing in 1907, and after a pause in the work, finished on the 18th of February 1918. The handwritten manuscript was compiled and typewritten by Helmut Schreier in 1980. In 2016, with the help of family members and friends I translated it into English, because my uncle (Alfred Schreier) wanted future generations to have access to this memoir, written by my grandfathers grandfather.
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