The Digital Compact Camera - Release Your Compact's Full Potential

Printed Book
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Author: Mark Lucock
Date of Publication: 2009
Book classification: Crafts & Hobbies,
No. of pages: 160 Pages
Format: Paperback

    About this Product

    The Digital Compact Camera, Release Your Compact's Full Potential--------------------------------------------------This book contains straightforward, informative advice on how to obtainprofessional results from a simple compact camera. It includes morethan 50 case studies on the subjects of travel, nature and landscapephotography. It is packed with inspiring photographs from all overthe world. Almost everyone owns a digital compact camera nowadays,but how many are aware of just how versatile a tool it can be? In TheDigital Compact Camera, photographer Mark Lucock reveals how eventhe simplest camera settings free up the user to be creative and imaginativeand ultimately more satisfied with their photographs. Packed with inspiringphotographs from all over the world, the book is divided into sectionson travel, nature and landscape photography - each full of excitingcase studies that allow the reader to learn how to improve their photographson a picture-by-picture basis. In addition to this, there is plentyof information on how to choose the best compact camera for your needs,storing images and postproduction.--------------------------------------------------Author Biography: Professional photographer Mark Lucock is the authorof four books on photography, including Digital Nature and LandscapePhotography 9781861085146. He is passionate about the natural worldand is an elected Fellow of the Institute of Biology and a CharteredBiologist. Born and brought up in England, he moved to the CentralCoast region of New South Wales, Australia, in 2003.
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