A Dictionary of Science, 6th Revised edition--------------------------------------------------This best-selling dictionary contains 9,200 entries on all aspectsof chemistry, physics, biology (including human biology), earth sciences,and astronomy. This new edition includes expanded coverage of globalwarming, forensic science, astrophysics, quantam theory, and the solarsystem. Supported by over 200 diagrams and illustrations the dictionaryfeatures recommended web links for many entries, accessed and keptup-to-date via the Dictionary of Science companion website. Other featuresinclude short biographies of leading scientists, full page illustratedfeatures on subjects such as the Solar System and Genetically ModifiedOrganisms, and chronologies of specific scientific subjects includingplastics, electronics, and cell biology. Both concise and wide-ranging,this dictionary is an ideal reference work for students and a greatintroduction for non-scientists.