Quiet - The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

QR 72

Quiet - The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

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Printed Book
QR 72
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Author: Susan Cain
Date of Publication: 2013
Book classification: Self Development,
No. of pages: 352 Pages
Format: Paperback

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n/a--------------------------------------------------"""Quiet"" by Susan Cain will change how you think about introverts forever."" A ""Sunday Times"" and ""New York Times"" Bestseller. Our lives are driven"by a fact that most of us can't name and don't understand. It defineswho our friends and lovers are, which careers we choose, and whetherwe blush when we're embarrassed. That fact is whether we're an introvertor an extrovert. The introvert/extrovert divide is the most fundamentaldimension of personality. And at least a third of us are on the introvertedside. Some of the world's most talented people are introverts. Withoutthem we wouldn't have the Apple computer, the theory of relativityand Van Gogh's sunflowers. Yet extroverts have taken over. Shyness,sensitivity and seriousness are often seen as being negative. Introverts" feel reproached for being the way they are. In ""Quiet"", Susan Cain"shows how the brain chemistry of introverts and extroverts differs,and how society misunderstands and undervalues introverts. She givesand how society misunderstands and undervalues introverts. She givesintroverts the tools to better understand themselves and take full advantage of their strengths. Passionately argued, superbly researched, and filled with real stories, Quiet will permanently change how we see introverts - and how you see yourself. I can't get Quiet out ofmy head. It is an important book - so persuasive and timely and heartfelt it should inevitably effect change in schools and offices . (Jon Ronson, The Guardian ). Susan Cain's Quiet has sparked a quiet revolution.In our booming culture, hers is a still, small voice that punches aboveits weight. Perhaps rather than sitting back and asking people to speak up, managers and company leaders might lean forward and listen . (Megan Walsh, The Times ). Quiet is a very timely book, and Cain's centralthesis is fresh and important. Maybe the extrovert ideal is no longer as powerful as it was to the still, small voice of calm . (Daisy Goodwin, The Sunday Times ).Susan Cain is the owner of The Negotiation Company, a firm that trainspeople in negotiation and communication skills. Her clients includeMerrill Lynch, Standard & Poor, University of Chicago Business School" and many of the US' most powerful law firms. She previously practicedcorporate law for seven years with Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton.She lives in New York with her husband and two sons.--------------------------------------------------Author Biography: Susan Cain is the author of the Sunday Times andNew York Times bestseller Quiet: The Power of Introverts in A WorldThat Can't Stop Talking, which has been translated into more than 30languages. Since her 2012 TED talk was posted online it has been viewedover three million times. Her writing on introversion and shyness hasappeared in the New York Times, the Guardian, Oprah magazine and PsychologyToday. Cain has spoken at the Royal Society of Arts, Microsoft andGoogle, and has appeared on BBC Radio 4, BBC Breakfast, CBS and NPR.Her work has been featured on the cover of Time, in the Daily Mail,the FT, the Atlantic, GQ, Grazia, the New Yorker, Wired, Fast Company,Fortune, Forbes, USA Today, the Washington Post, CNN and Slate.com.She is an honours graduate of Princeton and Harvard Law School. Shelives in the Hudson River Valley with her husband and two sons. www.thepowerofi
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SKU 405890
Manufacturer Number 9780141029191
year published 2013
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