Before I Fall--------------------------------------------------They say 'live every day as if it's your last' - but you never actuallythink it's going to be. At least I didn't. The thing is, you don'tget to know when it happens. You don't remember to tell your familythat you love them or - in my case - remember to say goodbye to themat all. But what if, like me, you could live your last day over andover again? Could you make it perfect? If your whole life flashed beforeyour eyes, would you have no regrets? Or are there some things you'dwant to change...?--------------------------------------------------Author Biography: Lauren Oliver was previously an editorial assistantat a publishing house in New York. A graduate of the University ofChicago and the MFA program at New York University, she is now a full-timewriter and lives in Brooklyn, New York. BEFORE I FALL is her firstnovel.