Oxford Mini School Dictionary & Thesaurus--------------------------------------------------The xford Mini School Dictionary & Thesaurus is the ideal one-volumequick reference tool for the school bag. It is the only one of itskind for students ten years plus, ideal for primary school leaversabout to start secondary school. Each page has the dictionary entriesat the top with the companion thesaurus entries at the bottom makingit easy to find the right words quickly. The dictionary contains clearsimple definitions, up-to-date example sentences, and support on spelling,grammar and punctuation. The thesaurus provides thousands of up-to-datesynonyms, alternative words and a special supplement on tricky words,confusable words, and overused words. It is powered by the Oxford Children'sCorpus, a unique electronic database of millions of words of writingfor children. The clear and accessible design, headwords in colour,the alphabet down the side of every page, and the matching dictionaryand thesaurus entries on the same page make navigation easy. Plus,for free downloadable word games, puzzles, and activities, go onlineto the www.oxforddictionaries.com/schools website.