Sony PSP

Street E1003 Starter Set Black

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QR 132.25 Per Month /4 months

    About this Product

    The Sony PSP E1003 Console brings all your favourite games rightin the palm of your hands. It has a 4.3-inch LCD screen with 16:9aspect ratio for perfect viewing. It can display over 16 millioncolours for an exact reproduction of vibrant images. This Sony PSPconsole can also play your favourite songs on its built-in speakers,or you can enjoy them in private by attaching your headphones tothe headphone connector. It supports external memory expansion upto 16 GB via the memory Stick Duo to help you load all your favouritepictures, songs, and of course the choicest of games. This PlayStationportable console lets you access the Internet via the Wi-Fi featureand get going with online multiplayer games with your friends.
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