مكتبة جرير

The Value of Coconut Macaroons and Other Stories

The Value of Coconut Macaroons and Other Stories

كتاب مطبوع
وحدة البيع: EACH
المؤلف: Poroda, Jay
تاريخ النشر: 2008
تصنيف الكتاب: التربية والتعليم,
عدد الصفحات: 84 Pages
الصيغة: غلاف ورقي

    عن المنتج

    The Value of Coconut Macaroons & Other Stories is a quick read with a deep message. It is the story of an educator's journey in the academic field, but it is much more. It is the story of learners of all ages, from youngsters in middle school, to a grandmother who fulfills her dream of earning a high school diploma. It reaches into the hearts of the individuals presented in the stories and shows the real people, not just how one might perceive them to be. The people featured in The Value of Coconut Macaroons are from diverse backgrounds, who teach the life lessons of resilience, compassion, generosity and caring through their relationships with one another. It is a multiculutural book based on learning, loving and growing together as a human family. This book isn't just for educators; it appeals to all, because it is a story of people. It is unforgettable and will provide new meaning every time you read, and reread, the stories.
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