مكتبة جرير

Imagination and Critique : Two Rival Versions of Historical Inquiry

Imagination and Critique : Two Rival Versions of Historical Inquiry

كتاب مطبوع
وحدة البيع: EACH
المؤلف: Noland, James R. L.
تاريخ النشر: 2012
تصنيف الكتاب: التربية والتعليم,
عدد الصفحات: 168 Pages
الصيغة: غلاف ورقي

    عن المنتج

    Title PageDedicationAcknowledgementsEpigraphIntroductionThe Story of the Federal Income Tax: A Case StudyVico and the Faculty of ImaginationMarxs Critique of HistoryMarx, Rawls and the Intelligibility of FreedomIdeology and the Problem of NamingImagination in PracticeWhats the Matter with Whats the Matter with Kansas Freeing Anthropology From CritiqueImagination and the Possibility of Civil PoliticsWorks Cited
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