مكتبة جرير

Kerala Covid 19 Resistance & Peninsular Keto Diet of Coconut & Fibre

Kerala Covid 19 Resistance & Peninsular Keto Diet of Coconut & Fibre

كتاب مطبوع
وحدة البيع: EACH
122 ر.س. شهرياً /4 أشهر
المؤلف: Kurup, Ravikumar
تاريخ النشر: 2020
تصنيف الكتاب: التربية والتعليم,
عدد الصفحات: 544 Pages
الصيغة: غلاف ورقي

    عن المنتج

    The peninsular keto diet of high medium chain triglycerides from coconut oil and high short chain fatty acids from dietary fibre is responsible for the Kerala syndromic model of high asymptomatic positive normal persons, low covid 19 symptomatic disease and fewer still covid 19 mortality disease. This paradoxical situation can be observed in countries taking a high peninsular keto diet based on dietary fibre and coconut oil as in Philippines, Srilanka and Malaysia. The Kerala syndromic model of high asymptomatic positive normal persons, low covid 19 symptomatic disease and fewer still covid 19 mortality disease is a natural extension of the lifestyle and nutritional habits of Keralites. The health infrastructure, social structure and educational status in other parts of the world especially the western world are comparable to Kerala and hence the Kerala syndromic model of high asymptomatic positive normal persons, low covid 19 symptomatic disease and fewer still covid 19 mortality disease is a result of the historic natural nutritional environment in Kerala.
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