Thisvolumecontainsthesetofpaperspresentedatthe SPECBenchmarkWo- shop 2009 held January 25 in Austin, Texas, USA. The program included eight refereed papers, a keynote talk on virtualization technology benchmarking, an invited paper on power benchmarking and a panel on multi-core benchmarking. EachrefereedpaperwasreviewedbyatleastfourProgramCommitteemembers. The result is a collection of high-quality papers discussing current issues in the area of benchmarking research and technology. A number of people contributed to the success of this workshop.Rudi Eig- mann served as General Chair and ably handled many of the details involved with providing a high-quality meeting. We would like to thank the members of the Program Committee for their time and e?ort in arriving at a high-quality program.We wouldalsolike to acknowledgethe guidance providedby the SPEC Workshop Steering Committee. Wewouldliketothankthesta?atSpringerfortheircooperationandsupport. We want to particularly recognize Dianne Rice for her assistance and guidance, and also Kathy Power, Cathy Sandifer and the whole SPEC o?ce for their help. And nally, we want to thank all SPEC members for their continued support and sponsorship of this meeting. January 2009 David Kaeli Kai Sachs Organization SPEC Benchmark Workshop 2009 was sponsored by the Standard Performance EvaluationCorporationincooperationwithIEEETechnicalCommitteeonC- puter Architecture (TCAA).