Hurst's the Heart

Hurst's the Heart

Printed Book
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Author: Valentin Fuster
Date of Publication: 2011
Book classification: Medical Books,
No. of pages: 2500 pages
Format: Book with CD

    About this Product

    Hurst's the Heart, 13th Revised edition--------------------------------------------------The trusted landmark cardiology resource--thoroughly updated to reflectthe latest clinical perspectives Includes DVD with image bank A Doody'sCore Title ESSENTIAL PURCHASE for 2011! 5 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW! Thisis an outstanding choice for those who strive for a firm foundationin cardiovascular medicine, as well as an up-to-date and user-friendlysource that addresses every discipline in the field. The updates andenhancements to this edition have made the book easier to use.--Doody'sReview Service Through thirteen editions, Hurst's the Heart has alwaysrepresented the cornerstone of current scholarship in the discipline.Cardiologists, cardiology fellows, and internists from across the globehave relied on its unmatched authority, breadth of coverage, and clinicalrelevance to help optimize patient outcomes. The thirteenth editionof Hurst's the Heart continues this standard-setting tradition with19 new chapters and 59 new authors, each of whom are internationallyrecognized as experts in their respective content areas. Featuringan enhanced, reader-friendly design, the new edition covers need-to-knowclinical advances, as well as issues that are becoming increasinglyvital to cardiologists worldwide. As in previous editions, you willfind the most complete overview of cardiology topics available--plusa timely new focus on evidence-based medicine, health outcomes, andhealth quality. New Features 1548 full-color illustrations and 578tables Companion DVD with image bank includes key figures and tablesfrom the text The Cardiovascular Disease: Past, Present, and Futuresection includes a new chapter on assessing and improving quality ofcare in cardiovascular medicine The section on the scientific foundationsof cardiovascular medicine has been thoroughly revised 2 new chaptersin the section on the evaluation of the patient detail the processof effective diagnostic decision making based on technology, clinicaltrials, and practice guidelines A new chapter in the section on heartfailure details cardiac transplantation The sections on primary heartdisease include new chapters on topics such as preventive strategiesfor coronary artery disease and updated pharmacologic strategies foracute coronary syndromes The section on cardiopulmonary disease featuresnew chapters on chronic cor pulmonale and sleep disorder breathingand its relationship to cardiovascular disease The section on valvularheart disease has four of the six chapter completely rewritten by newauthors who are authorities in the field The final six sections featurenew chapters on the environment and heart disease, surgical treatmentof carotid and peripheral vascular disease and cost effective strategiesin cardiology--------------------------------------------------Author Biography: Editors: Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD, MACC, FAHA RichardGorlin, MD/Heart Research Foundation Professor of Cardiology Director,Mount Sinai Heart Director, The Zena and Michael A. Wiener CardiovascularInstitute and Marie-Josee and Henry R. Kravis Center for CardiovascularHealth The Mount Sinai Medical Center New York, NY Richard A. Walsh,MD, FACC, FAHA John H. Hord Professor and Chairman Department ofMedicine Case Western Reserve University Physician-in-Chief UniversityHospitals of of Cleveland Cleveland, OH Robert A. Harrington, MD,FACC, FAHA Richard Sean Stack, MD Distinguished Professor Professorof Medicine Director, Duke Clinical Research Institute Duke UniversityMedical Center Durham, NC Associate Editors: Sharon A. Hunt, MDProfessor of Medicine Division of Cardiology Stanford UniversitySchool of Medicine Palo Alto, CA Spencer B. King III, MD, MACC PresidentSaint Joseph's Heart and Vascular Institute Professor of MedicineEmeritus Emory University School of Medicine Atlanta, GA Ira S.Nash, MD, FACC, FAHA, FACP Chief Medical Officer Senior Vice Presidentfor Medical Affairs Mount Sinai Medical Center Associate Professorof Medicine Associate Professor of Health Policy and Evidence MountSinai School of Medicine New York, NY Eric N. Prystowsky, MD, FACC,FAHA, FHRS Consulting Professor of Medicine Duke University MedicalCenter Director, Clinical Electrophysiology Laboratory St. VincentHospital Indianapolis, IN Robert Roberts, MD, FRCP(C), MACC, FAHAPresident and CEO University of Ottawa Heart Institute Professorof Medicine and Director The Ruddy Canadian Cardiovascular GeneticsCentre Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA Eric Rose, MD Edmond A. GuggenheimProfessor and Chair Department of Health Evidence and Policy Professor,Departments of Medicine (Cardiology), Surgery, Cardiothoracic SurgeryAssociate Director for Clinical Outcomes, Mount Sinai Heart MountSinai School of Medicine New York, NY
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